Hormone Replacement Therapy with Bioidentical Hormones
Test Don’t Guess
Physical Changes
• Unexpected weight gain
• Body composition shifts
• Hot flashes and night sweats
• Vaginal dryness
• Thinning hair
Mental Challenges
• Brain fog
• Memory concerns
• Anxiety and depression
• Poor sleep quality
Don't let these symptoms control your life any longer.
It's time to reclaim your vitality and confidence!
Discover Your Path to Wellness
Are You Battling the Symptoms of Menopause? Peri-menopause?
You're not alone. Millions of women experience these life-changing symptoms:
Intimate Issues
• Low or absent sex drive
• Difficult periods
• Increased UTIs

Do you know your warning signs that something may be amiss with your health?
Our DNA and Laboratory Testing provides the most advanced information to help address health concerns.
Click here is you want to receive information about our testing.
Test Don't Guess

Men's Health
A key component of Men’s Health
To all Men. Male health is a choice. Make that choice today.
Don’t’ wait until significant damage has been done to your body before seeking expert advice.
For 20 plus years, functional medicine physicians have been helping men (and women) with health concerns associated with what is often called Low T or low testosterone. In the early years, it was the wives, girlfriends, or other family friends and even family doctors who would refer the men to us. As men became more informed, and as marketers emphasized sexual prowess and increased muscle mass, they came to our clinics seeking their own answers.
Why? Most complained of low energy, use of energy drinks to keep alert, loss or lessening of ambition, slowing cognitive function, and often low sex drive. For some, the dreaded ED.
Reduced muscle strength was a common concern as was excess body fat. Many would say, I used to eat whatever I wanted. Now, look at my belly. It is definitely not flat.
Overall, many lacked the vitality experienced in their younger years. Even if they still had a decent sex drive, they admitted it was not as good as when younger.
Some just wanted to ensure they retained their vitality and to prevent any decline.
So how can we help? First, increasing testosterone levels with bioidentical (natural) testosterone can address many if not most of these concerns or symptoms. However, we emphasize that testosterone also helps prevent prostate cancer, heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease as well as sarcopenia (loss of muscle mass).
We then explain that it is not all about testosterone. For example, our comprehensive diagnostic tests include not only total and free testosterone with Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, but estradiol, homocysteine, HbA1C, CRP, thyroid, insulin, blood markers, cholesterol, PSA, liver function, and more. We also check for heart risks and brain and gut health.
Healthy eating and proper exercise are the mainstays of our Male Health Program as are monitoring and follow-up.
Why Men delay seeking medical help?
Up to 65% of men who have health symptoms, or an injury wait to see a doctor until forced by a loved one or they can no longer deny a problem. Are they being macho? Do they not want to discover they may have a serious problem? Or just stubborn?
Fear is definitely a factor but more often than not, it is that men do not realize the benefits of prevention and the healing power of functional medicine.
Call us before a minor problem becomes a major problem. Most chronic diseases are preventable, and most are curable if caught early enough by proper diagnostic testing.
For example, some routine blood tests can reveal hidden causes of depression, anxiety, memory loss, low energy, infections, and much more. A treatment plan can then be implemented to address any issues and prevent further problems.
These diagnostic tests include high blood pressure, high blood sugar, low testosterone, high homocysteine, high c-reactive protein levels (inflammation). At Seeking Perfect Heath, our testing includes these and much more. All at a low cost.